Bulgarian-European Cultural Dialogue Centre
Call for papers
We kindly invite you to present your research papers along these scientific lines:
• Historiographical discourse – facts, processes, phenomena and important figures
• Artistic life in Europe and on the Balkans – Academies, artistic education, cultural dialogue
• Dimitar Dobrovich’s (1816-1905) Art
• The art and the influence of the technological achievements of the period focusing on photography
All the papers will be reviewed.
The titles and abstracts of the accepted papers will be published on the conference program and on our website www.becd.nbu.bg
Please complete the Registration form to participate.
As an attachment (DOC, DOCX) Email a mtumbeva@nbu.bg your title of the proposed theme, accompanied by a brief summary.
You will get an answer if the subject of your presentation paper is acceptable in a week time.
The registered attendees who will deliver presentations will have up to 15 minutes to do so. Please bring your presentation on a USB drive. In the conference room there will be a laptop, PowerPoint presentation projector and an еquipment for simultaneous translation. There won’t be Wi-Fi service.
Registrazion with Title and Abstract |
up to 04th April 2016* |
Registration fee |
Early registration up to July 10th, 2016 |
Registration up to August 30th, 2016 |
Bulgarian attendees |
100 BGN | 150 BGN |
Foreign attendees |
50 EUR | 75 EUR |
Full time Phd candidates and students presenters |
20 BGN or 10 EUR | 40 BGN or 20 EUR |
Listeners |
50 LEVA | 50 LEVA |
*Please sign up with the title and summary, send the finished reports and pay attendance fee no later than 30 August at mtumbeva@nbu.bg
- Attendance fee is for attending the conference and presenting one paper, materials and conference program, coffee breaks and a cocktail party, a jubilee calendar of the event, and a copy of the Compendium of scientific reports from the event as well.
- Attendance fee does not include transport and hotel costs.
- You cannot transfer the attendance fee to another conference or attendee.
- NBU maintains their right to call off the conference in case of a natural disaster, a strike or other unpredictable events, which will make it impossible for the conference to be held.
The conference is organized by courtesy of
Make your hotel reservation here
Bank accounts:
EUR: Raiffeisenbank, IBAN: BG43RZBB91551460052998, BIC: RZBBBGSF
Reason: Conference 2016, BECD
Transfer your Conference Attendee fee payment up to August 30th , 2016.
You can attend the conference, only if you’ve transferred your Conference Attendee fee payment to indicated bank accounts.
Популяризирай, подкрепи, подари култура | Disseminate, Support, Extend the gift of culture