
Bulgarian-European Cultural Dialogue Centre

Instructions for authors



Please, note that your papers could not be published or presented at other scientific forums.

The Publishing House of NBU will publish the conference proceedings.

Please, submit the abstracts and the final drafts of your papers in English language to mtumbeva@nbu.bg by August 30th  2016.


  • Text formatting guidelines: 


All the abstracts and papers should be written in English.

Each paper should be up to 15 pages (title page and footnotes included).

Title page
The title of the paper should be followed by the name/names of the author/ authors and their institution(s).

The Abstract should be 100 words minimum up to 400 words maximum. You should put your Abstract in the “Abstract” box on the registration form.

Key words
About 3 key words (words or phrases).

Body text
The whole text, footnotes included, should be written using 12 pt Times New Roman, 1,15 spaced, 2,4 cm margins. All the pages should be in portrait orientation.


  • Quotation rules: 

You should name your sources and the literature cited in the endnotes at the end of your paper, following these rules:

book description:
Ricœur, Paul. Le mal. Un défi à la philosophie et à la théologie. Labor & Fides, 1986, pp. 44-55.

article description in collective volume of scientific papers:
Negrau, Elisabeta. The Cult of Saints Dadas, Gobdelas, and Casdoa in the Greek Provinces and Wallachia (16th – 18th Centuries). – In: Heroes. Cults. Saints/Art Readings 2015 (eds. Ivanka Gergova, Emmanuel Moutafov). Sofia, Institute of Art Studies, 2015, p. 274.

article description in scientific journals:
Mouriki, Doula. The Portrait of Theodore Studite in Byzantine Art. – Jahrbuch der oesterreichischen Byzantinistik, 1997, N 20, pp. 243-244.

article description in newspapers:
Like in previous adding the day, month and year of issue, after the number of issue

NB: subsecuent quotation:
Mouriki, Doula. The Portrait of Theodore Studite..., p. 46.


  • Requirements for images:

The illustrations are presented with a resolution of 300 by 600 dpi, file extensions jpg or tif.




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